Ecological Land Types within LTA 170.
ELT 170a
3127 ha
Area in acres:
7729 acres Soil Summary:
very deep, very gravelly and gravelly clay loams, clays, and sandy loams, lime throughout or prevalent at a shallow depth, well developed; also included are very deep sandy loam soils associated with washes and recent alluvial terraces, these soils have little or no development and lack lime in the upper soil layers; dominated by Pima County soil survey map units 6 (Bernardino-Tombstone association, 5 to 16 percent slopes), 79 (Tombstone very gravelly loam, 15 to 50 percent slopes), and 19 (Comoro sandy loam, 0 to2 percent slopes)
Geologic Materials:
alluvium and residuum associated with Quaternary and Tertiary sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate, undivided (QTs) and Holocene piedmont alluvium (Qy) which comprise 90% and 9% of the unit, respectively
finely dissected, weakly to moderately incised fan and pediment surfaces
ELT 170b
573 ha
Area in acres:
1417 acres Soil Summary:
very deep, gravelly and very gravelly clay loams and sandy loams, devoid of lime,well developed (clay accumulation); dominated by Pima County soil survey map unit 10 (Caralampi extremely gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 45 percent slopes) which comprises 99 percent of the ELT
Geologic Materials:
alluvium and residuum associated with Quaternary and Tertiary sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate, undivided (QTs) which comprises 98% of the unit
finely dissected, deeply incised fan and pediment surfaces