ELT 156a

378 ha
Area in acres: 
935 acres
Elevation Range
1899 m
Minimum in ft: 
6230 ft
2472 m
Maximum in ft: 
8109 ft
2218 m
Median in ft: 
7277 ft
Soil Summary: 
detailed soil survey information is not available for this unit; correlates with GES unit 476 characterized by extremely cobbly sandy loams shallow to deep to granite or granite-like bedrock, acid soils lacking lime throughout, minimal soil development, and associated rock outcroppings
Geologic Materials: 
slope alluvium, colluvium and residuum associated mostly (90%) associated with Leatherwood quartz diorite (Kqdl). The unit is also influenced by metasedimentary and sedimentary rocks associated with Bolsa Quartzite and Abrigo Formations (Cba) and Middle Proterozoic Apache Group and Troy Quartzite (Ya). They comprise 6% and 4% of the unit, respectively
coarsely dissected mountain slopes with shallow to moderate drainage incision

Map with the ELT 156a polygon highlighted.Photo Point 159Photo Point 006Photo Point 266Photo Point 270Photo Point 269Photo Point 268Photo Point 161, Photo Point 162Photo Point 160Photo Point 165Photo Point 300

Landform position classes and corresponding vegetation*

Landform Class Areasort icon Percentage of ELT Vegetation and notes
moderately moist steep slopes 190 ha 50

Doug fir/SW Pine/Ponderosa Pine

moderately dry steep slopes 103 ha 27

Silverleaf Oak/Ponderosa Pine/Ceanothus

very moist steep slopes 59 ha 16

Doug fir/SW Pine/Ponderosa Pine

gently sloping ridges and hills 14 ha 4

Ponderosa Pine/SW Pine/Ceanothus

cool aspect scarps, cliffs, canyons 6 ha 2

Doug fir/SW Pine/Ponderosa Pine