Soil Summary:
very deep, gravelly sandy loam or very gravelly fine sandy loam over gravelly sandy loam and gravelly sandy clay loam or fine sandy loam or loam; limy at or within a foot or so of the surface; no or modest development (clay accumulation or movement); nearly complete coverage of the unit indicates Pima County soil survey map units 55 (Palos Verdes-Sahuarita complex 2 to 8 percent slopes) and 54 (Palos Verdes-Jaynes complex 2 to 8 percent slopes) dominate. They comprise 91% and 9% of the ELT, respectively
Geologic Materials:
alluvium and residuum associated with early to latest Pleistocene alluvium (Qi1, Qi2, Qi3) which comprises 93% of the unit