Josh Taiz Bio

Joshua Taiz was born in Tucson in 1964 and raised on the banks of Finger Rock Wash just above its confluence with the Rillito. Most of his younger years were spent exploring the Sonoran Desert in the foothills of the Santa Catalinas as well as much of southeastern Arizona. He graduated from Catalina High School in 1982 and the University of Arizona in 1988 with a B.S in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Immediately after college he worked for a small biological consulting firm here in Tucson with projects spanning the southwest from southern California to west Texas. Josh hired on with the Forest Service in 1994 up on the Tonto National Forest stationed at the Payson Ranger District as an assistant Zone Biologist for the Payson and Pleasant Valley Ranger Districts. In 1997 he transferred to the Coronado National Forest as a member of the Ecosystem Management Planning NEPA team and then moved to Santa Catalina Ranger District as the District Biologist in 2000.