ELT 37b
Soil Summary:
very deep, very gravelly sandy loam surface layer over very gravelly and gravelly sandy clay loam subsoils, no lime, moderate to strong development (clay accumulation); dominated by Pima County soil survey map unit 9 (Caralampi very gravelly sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes) which comprises 99% of the ELT
Geologic Materials:
alluvium, colluvium, and residuum associated with late to latest Pleistocene piedmont alluvium (Qi3); alluvium (Qi); middle to late Pleistocene piedmont alluvium (Qi2); basin fill deposits (QTs) and Pantano Conglomerate, variably silicified (Tpl) which comprise 47%, 17%, 11%, 11% and 10% of the ELT, respectively
moderately dissected, weakly to moderately incised fans and pediments