Brooke Gebow Bio

Brooke Gebow has spent her professional life in the natural resources world and has experience in the engineering, management, outreach, and scientific sides of the field. She came on board as Southeastern Arizona Preserves Manager for The Nature Conservancy in February 2005. Her job focuses on landscape-scale conservation issues in the Sky Island region, ecological restoration projects, and running preserves that are open to the public. She is based at Ramsey Canyon Preserve in the Huachuca Mountains. Brooke has a BA from UCLA in Analysis and Conservation of Ecosystems and an MS from the University of Arizona in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Before coming to the Conservancy, she guided production of fire management plans for federal agencies for several years through the U of A School of Natural Resources and the USGS Sonoran Desert Research Station. Brooke has helped lead landscape-scale fire management efforts across southeastern Arizona beginning with the Huachuca Area Fire Partners in 2002. She currently heads up the FireScape team for the Coronado National Forest and cooperators, and helps coordinate multi-jurisdictional projects that cover landscapes surrounding many of the region's mountain ranges.