Chiricahua-Dragoons-Dos Cabezas Analysis Area
The proposed project area comprises three mountain ranges in southeastern Arizona: the Chiricahua, Dos Cabezas, and Dragoon Mountains. The project area includes lands managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (Coronado National Forest); U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS-Chiricahua National Monument and Fort Bowie National Historic Site); U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM-Gila District/Safford Field Office); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS-Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge); State of Arizona; and private entities.
Ecological Systems maps
An array of vegetation types is present across the various ownerships and jurisdictions in the analysis area, depending on elevation, topography, and geologic influences. For the purpose of project planning, these types have been designated as different "ecological systems." Twelve distinct ecological systems are defined for the project area.
Based on the results of modeling using FlamMap, current fuel loadings across the project area are predicted to support severe effects, should a wildland fire occur. The model was run by the agency partners over a regional fuels map developed by the planning team. Model parameters were input for an elevation of 4500 feet, which was extrapolated to elevations above and below this level by FlamMap.
Flame length is a good indicator of fire behavior and effects on the landscape. The red areas on the map depict locations where wildland fire in the project area, under the specified conditions, is predicted to spot, cause crown fires, and be very difficult to control. This sample model run is based on 90th percentile weather and fuel conditions for southeastern Arizona. Using 97th percentile conditions observed during the large wildland fires of the past decades would turn additional areas on the map red, indicating flame lengths greater than 11 feet.
The data layers used to create the maps listed above are available. Email with your request.